Profile PictureZack Monninger

ACV vs Time Calculator (Spreadsheet)

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95% of aspiring solopreneurs never stop to do the math.

That's how you end up overworked and underpaid.

So I made this super simple spreadsheet to help you.

Evaluate different combinations of

  • Average Client Value and
  • Number of Clients

To discover:

  • How many hours you can allocate per client
  • What your effective hourly rate would be

Also - explore how much TIME you actually have available to generate revenue

  • Account for holidays
  • Account for vacation
  • Explore what percentage of your time generates revenue

You CAN'T end up overworked and underpaid if you just DO THE MATH.

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A Google Sheets file you can copy and explore different business models!

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ACV vs Time Calculator (Spreadsheet)

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